
For information and to register for upcoming Leagues and Tournaments check out the Tasmanian Ultimate Central Website.  Most up-to-date information can be found on our Facebook Page.


A variety of indoor and outdoor leagues run in Hobart during the year.  Most ultimate in Hobart is mixed gender with women and men playing together, with an emphasis on upholding The Spirit of The Game. Players of all abilities are always welcome and there are always plenty of experienced players around to help teach rules and skills, and answer any questions new players might have.  Exact league dates and formats vary (see link above), but the generally Spring/Summer leagues are outdoors and Autumn/Winter leagues are indoors.

Spring October – December

Summer January – March

Autumn May – June

Winter August – September



Tasmanian Two-Hat is a two-day mixed ultimate “hat” tournament, held annually in October since its inaugural running in 1999. Hat tournaments mean that teams are selected randomly with a good mix of beginners and experienced players in each team – so anyone is welcome!  The Two-Hat is complemented by the Philip Redneck Ruddock Throw Them Overboard Disc Golf Classic, which is held in St David’s Park on the eve of the tournament.

Halfwit (Half-yearly Winter Indoor Tournament) is a one-day indoor “hat” tournament held in July each year. The Halfwit is full of fast and furious action for the fans of indoor ultimate.



Pickup games are informal games where you turn up and teams are formed on the day. Games are mixed gender and all experience/skill levels are welcome, just turn up with comfortable clothes (dark and light coloured shirt), a water bottle and appropriate footwear. Check out the TUA Facebook page or send us an email for the most up to date info about pick up games.

Pickup games are generally held Tuesdays and Fridays on the University of Tasmania’s University Oval (Sandy Bay Campus) at lunchtime (1-2pm). Word is that these fields are arguably the best fields used for pickup anywhere in Australia; the view of Mt. Wellington is spectacular and the grass is topnotch.