About Us


The Tasmanian Ultimate Association (TUA) is the governing body for ultimate in Tasmania. The TUA is a non-profit organisation whose focus is in developing and promoting ultimate within Tasmania.  Our vision is to foster a welcoming, inclusive community of people who play social, athletic ultimate with strong Spirit.

The Committee

The TUA Committee are a group of volunteers who meet monthly to ensure the smooth running of the association with the aim of growing Ultimate in Tasmania. If you love being part of our community, we would love you to get involved. If you are interested in giving feedback or helping to grow the sport in a direction that inspires you get in touch!  Chat to a committee member, email the TUA or come along to a meeting.

For any queries, suggestions or feedback please feel free to contact us:



The TUA is a volunteer-run organisation. Our volunteers support the ultimate community in many ways such as running leagues and tournaments, leadership roles in player development, and many day-to-day administration tasks.  It’s a great way to help grow the sport, give back to the community you love and learn some new skills while you’re at it.  Some people volunteer for a tournament, some for life, but every little bit helps keep the Tassie frisbee world rolling along.  Some ideas of ways you could help might include:

  • Coaching – Ultimate has a spirit of teaching and sharing knowledge, and it is possible to get formally accredited to help coach.
  • Running Leagues – every year we need at least 4 people to help run indoor and outdoor leagues.  Running a league with friends can be a really rewarding experience and a place to put your ideas into action! Even if you haven’t run one before there is plenty of support available to help you get started.
  • Running Events – organising a social event or helping run a tournament
  • Marketing and Design – to help promote and recruit players, design tournament shirts and discs etc.
  • Financial and Accounting – advice, bookkeeping and budgeting assistance.
  • Web development – or other technical skills
  • Local or business contacts – to help grow the sport, seek fundraising and sponsorship opportunities.


Banking Info

Please remember to include your name and any relevant league/tournament details in the reference comment with any payments.  For any issues with payments please contact the TUA Treasurer.

Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Tasmanian Ultimate Association Inc.
BSB: 037 001
ACN: 601069

Australian Business Number (ABN): 33 234 194 927


Insurance Info

Public Liability, Professional Liability and Personal Accident Insurance is provided through our affiliation with the Australian Flying Disc Association. More information about insurance and claims can be found on the AFDA Insurance pages.

Certificates of Currency are available on the AFDA Certificate of Currency page, including certificates explicitly listing the TUA under the AFDA policy, and listing both the Hobart City Council and Clarence City Council.